Mar 052012
Bugs Crawling On My Skin : The Invisible Hives Urticaria

I am sitting here attempting not to claw at my skin. Writing is helping as it’s distracting my mind, and keeping my fingers occupied. If I was of lesser mental awareness, I’d likely be writing this swearing that there were in fact millions of little bugs crawling over, under, and within my skin. Alas, I [cont…]

Jan 262012
The Sky Is Falling! The Sky Is Falling! (experiencing "Impending Doom")

It’s funny to me the ways that words on a page express themselves in real life. Nothing is more funny in this way than allergic reactions. It’s one thing to read that allergic reactions can include things like headaches, nausea, runny nose, congestion, edema, and so on.. and it’s quite another to experience them. Sometimes [cont…]

Dec 182011
Cripple Creek BBQ's Chicken Fajita Pasta

This looks a lot more involved than it is, and would be easy to alter for various diets as long as you can eat chicken or pork, peppers and tomatoes (nightshades). Depending on your tastes the onion can be left out, and the vinaigrette could be made with your choice of vinegar instead of the [cont…]

Dec 072011
Quick & Easy, Cheddar Cheese Cream Soup (with variations)

I started this recipe as I do most of my cooking with a baseline of a recipe and then improvise.  I was looking for a cheddar cheese soup recipe online that I could actually make. Many had carrots, onions, chicken, broths, and various other things that I couldn’t eat myself and I’m sure make super [cont…]

May 282011

Today I went and splurged. I can’t really afford it, but I sooo needed it for my own mental health. I started a new job and keep gaining weight (read allergy swelling and allergy induced type 2 diabetic issues) which I need to get under-control but haven’t been able to. In the meantime, I’ve been [cont…]

Dec 172010

Last night was an eye opener for me. I’d always (well since the food allergy discovery) known that eating my allergens caused my digestion to halt to a very slow crawl, causing me to experience such lovely things as reflux, gas, indigestion, and diarrhea. However, since having AAT treatments during 2009, I have developed a [cont…]

Nov 292010

Well its a “Happy Day After Your Reaction” for me today. First, I woke up after a solid 12 hours of dead sleep. I missed most of the morning due to that, and still feel like I was hit by a truck. Since I’d missed several hours in which I could have been productive, I [cont…]